Electric Vehicle Charging Make-Ready Infrastructure

Electric Vehicle Charging Make-Ready Infrastructure

The transportation sector contributes to 54 percent of Maine’s annual greenhouse gas emissions. Our Electric Vehicle Charging Make-Ready Infrastructure Pilot aligns with our commitment to support technologies that dramatically lessen our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions. 

In May of 2021, we fully subscribed our 60-plug pilot program where customers applied to host Level 2 (L2) Electric Vehicle (EV) charger projects and received grants of $4,000 per plug towards installation costs. Due to the success and high level of interest in the pilot program we may offer an ongoing EV Charger Make-Ready program in the future. 

The EV Charger Make-Ready Program would offer rebates to business and municipal customers who install EV chargers. These rebates offset construction costs associated with the electrical infrastructure (make-ready) required to support L2 chargers.

Make-Ready is broadly defined as the electrical infrastructure between the utility grid interconnection and the chargers, including stepdown transformers, electric service panels, conduit, conductors (wire), switch gear and power conditioning units (for DCFC), mounting pads or brackets, and other such elements.

Level 2 Charger:  Refers to the voltage that the electric vehicle charger uses (240 volts). They can provide a variety of charging amperages and depending on vehicle battery capacity they typically fully charge a vehicle in 4-8 hours.

Port: A port is the receptacle on the charging cord that plugs into and charges the vehicle.

Networked: Refers to a combination of EV charging equipment components and software that allows for centralized management, administration, communication, diagnostics, data collection, and potential point of sale capabilities.

For more information, please contact Aaron.Smith@Avangrid.com.

If you would like to notify us of your interest in a future “Make-Ready” incentive program, please complete the following application.

Please complete the following fields for your application:


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